Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Research Objectives

Movement leader (w/major):
Dora Lopez (Advertising-Salesman-Art Direction)
Casey Mattison (Advertising-Maven-Social Media Guru)

Other team members and roles (name/major/Gladwell title/job title):
Bryce Wergin (Advertising-Connector-Copywriting/PR)
Brandon Bryant (Spanish/Advertising-Salesman-PR)

Define the problem:
Many students on campus use electricity when they do not need to. They do not realize that they
can help conserve energy very easily.

Description of movement (in a paragraph):
Our movement is to help encourage students to conserve energy. By providing entertainment and
information that is directed to students, we will be spreading the word about how much energy is
being used up when no one is actually using it. When the event is put on youtube, the word will
be spread and other college campuses will take on the movement so it tips. A blackout hour will
be hosted in order spread the word.

Desired outcomes:
We want 70% of the residence halls on campus to participate in blackout hour.
We are hoping to have 100 students and community members attend the acoustic event.
We want to get a loyal following on Twitter and Facebook. We will spread the word through these.

Biggest risks/obstacles:
Getting people to care enough to attend events and follow social media pages.
Finding a time that would work for everyone to come to the events.
We will need to find acoustic players to play at the event.

Best-case scenario:
We have 200 people at the event, 100% of the residence halls participate in blackout hour, and
there will be a measurable decrease in energy used on campus after our work. Our youtube video
a thousand hits.

Worst-case scenario:
Nobody comes to the concert. Our Twitter and Facebook pages get no hits. The acoustic players
are not willing to play or are not very talented.

Research component for each member:
Brandon- previous blackout hours
Bryce- find musicians
Dora- energy statistics
Casey- tactics to draw people to social media outlets

Primary product from each member:
Brandon- location and set-up of event
Bryce- musicians
Dora- invites and posters
Casey- Facebook and Twitter page, Foursquare

Possible numbers:
100-people at concert
70%-residence halls participating in blackout hour
250-followers on Facebook and Twitter

Possible sources of information:
The Internet

Possible partner organizations:
Student organization

How we’re breaking new ground:
First acoustic concert run by students this year
Bringing back candles and encouraging them as opposed to cellphones
First blackout hour on campus this year

Ethical school of thought that guides us:
Aristotle’s golden mean
Bok’s model

Possible ethical dilemmas (Privacy of victims? Acculturation?):
Conflict of interest with LES
Open flames

Once people start the habit, people can maintain it

Worst-case scenario:
Nobody comes to the concert. Our Twitter and Facebook pages get no hits. The acoustic players
are not willing to play or are not very talented.

Research component for each member:
Brandon- previous blackout hours
Bryce- find musicians
Kat-look into location and dates
Dora-energy statistics
Casey- tactics to draw people to social media outlets

Primary product from each member:
Brandon- set up date for blackout hour
Bryce- musicians
Kat- location and date set for up
Dora- invites and posters
Casey- Facebook and Twitter page, foursquare

Possible numbers:
100-people at concert
70%-residence halls participating in blackout hour
250-followers on Facebook and Twitter

Possible sources of information:
The Internet

Possible partner organizations:
Student organization

How we’re breaking new ground:
First acoustic concert run by students this year
Bringing back candles and encouraging them as opposed to cellphones
First blackout hour on campus this year

Ethical school of thought that guides us:
Aristotle’s golden mean
Bok’s model

Possible ethical dilemmas (Privacy of victims? Acculturation?):
Conflict of interest with LES
Open flames

Once people start the habit, people can maintain it

The event will carry through other campuses

Timeline (set your own weekly mini-deadlines for each person) to finish April 14:
• Feb. 24: Submit Strategic Plan (leader).
• March 1: research conducted
• March 3: Facebook and Twitter
• March 8: dates set up/musicians arranged
• March 10: invites created
• March 15: social media and invites promote event
• March 17: continue to research
• March 22: keep promoting event through sites
• March 24: finalize details and prepare for event
• April 5: host event beginning of April
• April 7: evaluate success, prepare presentation
• April 12: Presentation rehearsal (all).
• April 14: Present
• May 6: Screen Ink Art Walk Event

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